An Open Encyclopedia / Open Encyclopaedia
Today, after an intense discussion, both me and faeriebell finalized an idea for a next generation user-contributed Open Encyclopaedia. No, its not yet another encyclopedia in the sense that it is not a Wikimedia/Wikipedia clone.
We will try to incorporate as many web 2.0 features as we can in the open encyclopaedia. For now think of it as a meta data encyclopedia organizing the web. aims to become a better service than ODP, in the sense that any free account holder will be able to add a resource.
- Supports Tagging (Organize the resources the way you want)
- Different Resource Types Supported (For e.g. users can submit podcasts, video podcasts, PDF, Word files and more)
- Earn Points: Now you can earn recognition by for your help in creating the web. In addition, get your very own contributors page featuring a thank you message from Open Encyclopaedia Team. Points are awarded to the first user who submits a resource. For e.g., once your site is submitted and you earn points, no other user will get points for submitting the same site.
- Easy Registration: We've tried to make the registration as easy as possible for you.
- We are encouraging users to take a few moments to write about the resource they are submitting and to NOT submit any copyrighted or duplicated material. As the project progresses, more will be announced.
- Upcoming Wiki: We are going to install a Wiki very soon. Stay tuned for that.
Volunteers Wanted: Help create the next generation open encyclopaedia
Both me and Faeriebell would like to ask for your help. If you consider yourself an early adopter and would like to help us out in exchange for prominent recognition, please e-mail Frank at ebusinessconsultingus at yahoo. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please tell us how we are doing
Whether you want to sing praises or rant about our work, we would love to hear from you. Please e-mail Frank at ebusinessconsultingus at
Jump Right In
- Register and earn 500 points (
You earn 500 points just for registering. Upon registering, you will get a message similar to the followingCongratulations frankmash on earning 500 points and thank you for becoming an Open Encyclopedia contributor.
We recommend you note down the following information for future logins:
Username/Nickname: frankmash
Password: ****** (Not displayed for security)
You have been logged in automatically for your convenience.
Please proceed to your home page.
- Login to home page: Once you have registered, you are automatically logged in and therefore you can proceed to the home page. Note: when logged in, your home page shows additional controls to help you make contributions. For e.g., My home page is located at . Upon your inital login, you will notice that you've received 500 points.
- Adding Avatar: To add Avatar, proceed to after logging in, or click on "Avatar" link on your home page. Once there, click on browse button to locate file on your computer, then click upload to upload your avatar.
- Add first resource: So, the first resource I am going to add to our encyclopaedia, is going to be the blog URL itself. But you should add whatever resource you think will benefit the users and that hasn't already been added before. So after logging in, go to and fill out the form.
Resource URL:
Title: Open Encyclopaedia Blog
Describe: Need up to the minute information about what's happening at the Open Encyclopaedia? You can stay abreast of all the developments by tuning in to Open Encyclopaedia Blog. Frank and Faeriebell need your help and encourage your comments to make the project a success. If you are a blogger on, and would like to help out, leave a comment on the blog stating that you would like to join the blog and Frank will send you the invitation.
Type: Community Blog
Highlight: (Testing)
Border: (Testing)
Tags: encyclopedia, encyclopaedia, blog
Upon submitting the above form, I am presented with the message that I have earned 20 points
Congratulations on earning 20 points and recommending Open Encyclopaedia Blog.
You now have 500 points.
- Enter description for tags: If you entered a tag for which the system does not have a description, it will ask you for it. Please take a few moments to add a description.
After you add the description and submit, you will be presented with the following message:frankmash, thank you for your contribution Add a new resource, or continue to your home page.
Frank and Faeriebell
Technorati: web 2.0 web2.0 encyclopedia
An Open Encyclopedia / Open Encyclopaedia - Read more!